Pogsurf is off for an eight day canal boat cruise, so blogging may be light until he resurfaces.
Enjoy the rest of the blogosphere until then.
Bill Maher’s New Rule: Guilt by Civilization
9 hours ago
Pog, surfing. It does exactly what it says on the tin.
I've started the petition "International Humanist and Ethical Union: Revoke the award you gave to Professor PZ Myers in 2011" and need your help to get it off the ground.
Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now? Here's the link:
http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/international- humanist-and-ethical-union- revoke-the-award-you-gave-to- professor-pz-myers-in-2011
Here's why it's important:
Myers is a poor excuse for a humanist. He uses his blog, Pharungula, to smear, threaten and belittle those with whom he has ideological differences. The silencing tactics he uses are unbecoming of a professor, whose first duty is to foster rational debate.
Myers has used his blogs to host threats. This borders on criminal activity and is clearly ethically unsound. Myers is a rape apologist who uses the taboo of anal rape culture to taint his opponents and to belittle those who challenge his views.
The IHEU are so out of touch with this that in one early communication they wrote to me that:"... Myers himself is well-known for championing language-sensitivity ..."The IHEU should revoke their 2011 award to Myers, and make a public apology for their misguided behaviour for promoting as a humanist champion such a bullying and repulsive individual.
You can sign my petition by clicking here.
___________________________________Martin Wiesner
PS it is not very often I include my entire address book in a mailout, but this is one of those occassions.
BC Humanists 14:50 (15 hours ago)
Please remove us from your address book.