
Saturday, 3 May 2014



I have resolved to live by a new doctrine called #Wiesnerism.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Available for late Autumn 2014

Inspired by the life of Descartes, informed by the questioning of Camus and exhilarated by the scholarship of Sartre the author of this book goes on adventure into the darkest recesses of the human mind.

Who is the hero, who's the villain, we just don't know, and that is the nub of problem. This book has a happy ending, but will challenge you to take your thinking just a little bit further.

Face your fears and learn to go deeper in this WORLD-WIDE best seller.

Price: tba
ISBN: tba

Special offer: in recognition of their true but zany commitment to freedom of expression members of the SlymePit are entitled to purchase a signed copy at 25% discount, but this offer is conditional upon satisfactory documentary evidence being provided.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014