"St Patrick is reputed to have driven all the snakes out of Ireland, but does St Timothy have the will to drive all the sock-puppets out of the UK's political blogosphere?"
Bill Maher’s New Rule: Guilt by Civilization
9 hours ago
Pog, surfing. It does exactly what it says on the tin.
"St Patrick is reputed to have driven all the snakes out of Ireland, but does St Timothy have the will to drive all the sock-puppets out of the UK's political blogosphere?"
Hear, Hear.It seems to have survived the moderators. Time for bed now. Maybe it's better to say I was getting cross at them, either way the eyelids are dropping so I am going to be off to sleep quite soon.
What a sad collection LC is turning out to be. Why do the majority of commenters on LC believe that attacking the reputation of one man serves any useful purpose? Why do you seek to hide the comments of those who laugh at your nonsense?
Liberal: sometimes. Conspiracy: definitely.
I repeat, because you have not answered it, the charge I make: that your blog consists almost entirely of cutting and pasting other people’s work, notably Ken Livingstone press releases, for which you became quite notorious during the campaign, and since.Oh happy, happy day. The Gilligan has landed. Straight from the real world, he has gracefully descended upon the rats and filth-mongers who inhabit Liberal Conspiracy. If Gilligan speaks the truth, then Dave Hill's position will be untenable, and he should be thinking about resigning. But who can tell which of them has integrity on their side? Surely it is completely impossible for anyone outside journalism to untangle this unholy mess. It looks like this struggle of the Titans is going to run and run forever ...
You sir, are and idiot.It makes a point, but it also gives you a way out, because of course me sir, is and idiot too. (I always used to annoy Guido Fawkes by telling him not to explain jokes, but there I've gone and done it myself.) It reminds me that when filling in surveys that request a job title, brian surgeon can be a witty choice.
You sirs, are and idiots! And don't do it again ;0)
I would not endorse or encourage acts of physical violence against anyone on the BNP members’ list. But frankly if the publication of this list results in these sickos being driven out of politics completely then that would leave me unequivocally delighted.What are you going to drive them out with then? Feathers? This doughnut brainery has me on the verge of getting my hair shorn, my jeans rolled up and my nicely polished DMs laced up and to personally go out and hunt down a lily-livered champion of democracy. It is only the prospect that having "I Hate Lib Dems" tattooed across my forehead may affect my future employment opportunities that brings me back to reality. Thinking, yes in the face of a chain welding, "Sieg Heilling", grimacing mob of yobbos, I would be a coward too. But at least I know I'm a coward. At least I don't expect my friends to smoother me with smugness and unknown others to fight my battles for me.
Shakespeare? It's an outrage that he has more than one character in his plays.Of course Shakespeare had something which I manifestly lack. Talent. He could write convincing roles for characters which groups of people played out on stage. They demonstrated passion, wit, humour, pathos, bad puns and all the other great range of emotions, forms of address, story-telling, lyricism, poetry and artistry which go into a play. Can you leave a performance feeling you have learnt something about human nature, politics, philosophy and the exercise of power. Clearly yes, because that is why, amongst other reasons of entertainment and even idling away time that people have kept going back over the centuries to watch performance after performance.
Sunny Hundal: That is pure genius! “I should have joined UKIP instead” - ha ha!When this script is read, how does the reader know how many people have written it? On the face of it, it looks like three people are exchanging their views, but it could equally well be two or just one. When it is read, I would expect that most people will “see” three people. Does it matter to the meaning if some rare person comes along, and instantly assumes that the entire posting is authored by just one person?
Justin: Christ, not LC as well. This shitty little bandwagon rolled about a year ago.
Akela: Satire at its best!
I have no sympathy for fascists. If others want to maintain their principles that’s fine. I’m staying this side of the law but that’s about it.Sunny makes a tacit admission that he's gone beyond principles and that partisanship has taken over. Oh dear, a liberal who doesn't understand what liberal means. Afraid of the law, but not of dismantling democracy to settle a score. It will all end in tears...
Heh, tons of people have emailed it to me. By the way, why would linking to it be legally dangerous, out of interest?and then:
It does occur to me though - we should download the list and trawl it for interesting nuggets or stories.He's happy the list has been published. That's fine, nothing wrong with indulging in a bit of schadenfreude. Then he's questioning. Nothing wrong there either. Except in the next breath we find he has a project in mind. "We should" be trawling the list. Bear in mind that Sunny is the editor of Liberal Conspiracy, whose stated aims are:
There is no way sensible people can support breaching privacy and data protection, fundamental principles in a democracy. That is not the way to go.Hear, hear Benjamin. You can't have privacy solely for your friends and for the people you like. In a democracy you have to have it for everyone, even the odious BNP. I am just someone who writes words on a blog, with no particular affiliation to Sunny or the LC blog. Much as the Liberal Conspiracy project might have aims and values to admire, who amongst Sunny's liberal friends are going to call him out on his own values?
"[believe] that the renaming of Christmas as a “Winter Festival” or any other non-religious nomenclature is part of the systematic erosion of Christianity in modern life, which itself is the cause of the loss of our sense of national identity and cohesion."Earlier, my interest in what is now universally referred to as the Atheist Bus led me take a look at the sponsoring organisation, the British Humanist Association. As an atheist myself, it would appear that I could fit in with their ideals. But my sticking point is the statement that "Humanism is the belief that we can live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs." Specifically it is the "good" part.